Thursday, 4 June 2015

Personal Reflective Writing

What’s needed?
A sophisticated piece of writing which is reflective - not just an account of what happened
You must show that you have thought about the way the events influenced you
It must make sense at first reading
It must be well-structured
Punctuation and spelling must be sufficiently accurate

1st person
Informal – when appropriate – but not casual
Varied vocabulary
Interesting sentence structure
Uses figures of speech appropriately

Sincere and serious
Humorous sometimes helps
Self-deprecating – you can make and take a joke against yourself

Demonstrate your desirable qualities

Capture Reader’s Attention
Make your opening paragraph interesting and engaging.
It doesn’t have to be a ‘Once upon a time’ story
You could start in the middle of an event
You could start with a quotation, or an idea
In fact, you should start any way you can in order to draw your reader in

For example –
My mum always told me that I should never lie, but I don’t think that’s always true…
‘Take your dirty hands off me!’ I shouted...
When I think back, I wonder how I ever managed before I got together with my closest friend – my ipod...
If you wanted to take my television from my bedroom, you would have to kill me first…

Use varied sentence structure
For example:
The first time I went, I was really too small for horse riding. I was tiny. The animal, called ‘Lightning’, was a huge white mass of muscle towering over me…